California quail(Guideline)


Last Updated on June 20, 2023

The state bird of California! Unique because of its plumage pattern, is different from other quail species. It is famous because of its Chi-ca-go call.

The California valley quail is a ground-living bird. It is popular with game hunters as it is a gaming bird. It is the best ornamental bird.

This quail is more slender than other quails. It also has breasts with scaling patterns. It has a curving crest made up of six feathers.

These Topknot quail have close relatives like Gambel’s quail. They have a longer crest than California quail.

These short-neck game birds have a small head and a bill. Their tail is quite long and broad. Their wings are short but very broad.

California quail is a social bird with a lot of benefits. It lives in small coveys. They love scratching the ground in search of food.

Seeds and leaves are their main diet. But they can also eat insects and berries.

California quail is so curious and attentive regarding their nests. They leave and enter the nest very carefully and in a hidden way. That’s the reason, only a few nests have been found.

California quail lives in brushy areas. It can be found in grasslands and woodlands. They are also present on roadsides and the edges of deserts too.

California quail lives in the form of Covey. Each Covey consists of 10 to 200 birds. They separate in the form of pairs during the breeding season. Both parents take care of their newborns.

California quail are kept to increase the beauty of your yard.

I, myself, witnessed a Covey of California quail. They were looking for berries to eat, on the ground. This Covey of lively birds was parading on the ground with their Chi-ca-go call.



These are plump, short-head game birds. They have a short neck, a small head, and a bill. Their tail is broad and long. Their wings are broad but short.

As their name suggests, they have a comma-shaped Topknot on their head that is projecting forward. This knot is longer in males than in females.

If compared to other quails, they have almost the same size as northern bobwhite quail. And they have half the size of ring-necked pheasants.

California quail’s weight ranges from 150 to 190 grams. The male is slightly larger than the female quail. Adult California quail have a length of 25 cm.

Colour pattern

Females are plainer brown and don’t have facial markings. Males have black faces with bold white outlines. Males are dark grey and brown.

Both genders have white, milky, or creamy scales over their belly. Young California quails look like female quails but have short Topknot.


These valley quails dwell on the ground in search of food. Their flight is explosive but doesn’t last long. At dawn and dusk, they remain beneath the shrubs and on the open ground undercover.

These are highly gregarious species, living in coveys. They prefer to run rather than fly. Still, they can fly short distances to avoid predators and hunters.

Before departing, they assemble by a single assembly call. Moreover, they stay together by contact calls.

They break up the covey during the breeding season. This is because of their intense sexual behavior. They choose a partner from the same Covey.

Adult females mate with adult males rather than yearling males. If both parents survive till next year, they both re-mate.


The Female selects the nesting site. In addition to this, the female builds a nest. The first forms a shallow depression on the ground. Like hens, they fill it with grass and leaves.

The egg-laying time is in April or May, more precisely the start of May. Females lay three to four eggs after every four days. In each clutch, there are almost 11 to 17 eggs.

The Female starts incubating the eggs after completing the clutch. While incubating, the male acts as a sentinel. The incubation period lasts for about 22 or 23 days.

Newborns hatch with open eyes, are covered with down and can walk. After two days, they leave their nest.

Their parents train them how to find food. New birds can’t maintain their temperature.

So, female quail brood them at night and early in the morning to prevent chilling and overheating.

The rate of quail reproduction is largely dependent on rainfall. In the seasons, when there are enough rainfall, the quail reproduction rate increases. It may be because of the growth of the plants which they eat.


They are mostly present in the western coastal regions of the United States. These valley quails prefer to live in bushy places, woodlands, shrubs, and roadsides.

The geographical range covers the western United States, Chile, Columbia, and New Zealand. It can be kept as a pet and is a favorite game bird. It has now been successfully introduced to other regions as well.


Their feeding diet includes seeds, flowers and buds, legumes, and seasonal crops. During the non-breeding season, they eat twice a day.

During storms, they eat intermittently throughout the day when the storm stops.


Valley quail don’t sing. Instead, it makes calls for different purposes. They make assembly calls for the covey. Moreover, it makes a Chi-ca-go call when an individual separates from the group.

The assembly call is repeated many times and loudly. Male also gives aggressive as well as mating calls during the breeding season.

Interesting facts

  • The California quail digests their food with the help of protozoans.
  • Young birds acquire these protozoa by pecking on adults’ feces.
  • The valley quail consists of a head plume and Topknot. These two look like a single feather. But it consists of six feathers.
  • It is a state bird of California, and it is also cast in several Disney movies.
  • As an adaptation, California quail can survive without water by getting its moisture from insects and other succulent vegetation.
  • Its best contains almost 28 eggs. These quails also show a behavior called egg dumping.
  • The oldest valley quail was 6 years and 11 months old.
  • It is a popular game hunter. It has now been introduced to other parts of the world like Hawaii, Europe, and New Zealand.
  • The female quails mostly lay 20 eggs per season. If you have a healthy quail you can even lay 60 eggs per session. I had the quail which laid 90 eggs in a single season.
  • Their average lifespan is 4 years old in captivity. It decreases in wild.
  • California quail is smaller than other breeds. So, it doesn’t provide enough meat and eggs. They can be eaten, but cannot provide you with enough meals.
  • According to bird Resources, there are almost 1 million individuals who keep these valley quails.
  • The total breeding size of this species, according to all bird resources is 3.8 million.
  • So their population is increasing and is not endangered.
  • Quails start laying their eggs at the age of 2 months.
  • Unfortunately, baby quails have a mortality rate of 85%. Only 5 to 20% manage to reach adulthood.

People Also Ask

Can you eat California quail?

If you want to make sure that whether it is legal to eat in California or not, then I am here to tell you. You don’t need to call fish and wildlife services.

California quails are present in abundant amounts. Their population is increasing day by day. So it is legal to eat and keep them on farms.

Do California quails mate for life?

When adult quails pair up and are ready to mate, they make bonds for life. They don’t mate for a single breeding season.

Once they make up the pair, they remain monogamous and remain close till death. Both of these adults perform parenting duties equally.

How to find out the gender of a bobwhite quail?

In order to find out the gender, gently press it down. If something pops up, then it indicates the quail is male. Moreover, foam-like fluid will come out from its cloaca.

This suggests that the quail is a male. If there is no such sign then the quail is female.

Do California quails eat ticks?

California quails are omnivores. They can eat both plants and animals. These birds love to eat bugs and dig the ground.

So California quail will eat as many ticks as possible.

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