Can chicken eat mangoes? (Revealed)

Can chicken eat mangoes?

Last Updated on July 28, 2023

As you know, in some countries mangoes are known as the king of fruits. It is cultivated widely in Asia, Africa, and Central America. People often ask a question if they can give mangoes to chickens.

Many studies have shown mangoes benefit your chickens in so many ways. Mangoes are available in the warm season. And they are packed with so many nutrients and vitamins.

Mango has a big seed in it. There are hundreds of types of mangoes in the world. But chicken owners have been confused about its benefits and drawbacks for their flock.

As a veterinarian, I would suggest you give mangoes to your chickens. They have multiple benefits, including eye health and heart health.

I’m here to answer a few of the questions you have regarding the use of mangoes for chickens. You need to acknowledge a few facts before you start giving mangoes to your flock.

Can chicken eat mangoes?

Yes, chickens can eat all types of mangoes. Chicken eats everything that you give them. Mango is one of the safest fruits for chicken. Mango is a heavy treat for your chicken.

It balances the diet of your chicken. It is soft and easy to chew and digest along with so many benefits. It is recommended to give mangoes to chickens but in a certain limited amount.

Furthermore, I will help you acknowledge the different kinds of nutrients and their benefits present in mangoes.

Nutritional Profile of Mangoes

Mangoes contain a large amount of water and fiber. Mangoes are a richer source of multivitamins for your chicken. Mangoes contain vitamins A, B5, C, D, and K. Mangoes contain 14% of sugar and this sugar makes your chicken energetic.

They also have protein. This protein speeds up the metabolic process and makes food easier to digest. Vitamins play a very important role in poultry production and mangoes are rich in this regard.

Benefits of these nutrients


Vitamin A helps to strengthen the heart system. It maintains the blood pulse and relaxes blood vessels. It also helps the kidneys and other parts of the body of the chicken to work properly.

Vitamin B keeps the eyes healthy. It prevents myopia and visionary problems. It also makes the immune system strong by deflating the intestine.

Vitamin c is important to develop healthy collagen. It helps you fight free radicals in your body. It develops a strong body defence in chickens against several viral diseases.

Vitamin k can help in making bones healthy. It makes their blood clots heal quickly. It also prevents anaemia. If you want the chicken to grow fast and healthy, you should give them mangoes.


As I have already mentioned, a few of the health benefits of mangoes. Mango also has minerals in it. And it can help your chicken in one way or another.

Mangoes contain iron. Iron improves the blood circulation in your chicken’s body. This proper blood circulation provides them energy and makes them active.

As you may know, calcium plays an important role in making bones strong. Chickens are vulnerable to bone fractures. They often fight with each other and get injuries. Mangoes are best to make them strong and healthy.

It also contains sodium and potassium. They maintain body fluids and healthy feather growth of chickens.

Mangos is not only tasty fruit but also full of nutrients. The other big benefit of mangoes is that they have low calories. However, it is the main source of immune-boosting nutrients.

Presence of antioxidant

Mangoes contain an antioxidant named mangiferin. Studies have shown that it can lower oxidative stress. It also maintains the blood cholesterol levels of chickens, as well as fatty acids.

Presence of Enzymes

Mangoes have enzymes known as amylases. It improves the digestive system of the chickens. It breaks down the larger pieces of carbohydrates and sugars.

Can chickens eat mangoes peel?

Yes, chickens eat mangoes’ peel. The skin contains nutrients, and it is beneficial for chickens.

But there are a few reasons you should avoid giving it to chickens. Studies have shown mango skins contain urushiol. Sometimes, it triggers allergic reactions in chickens.

Moreover, the skin of mangoes has an unpleasant taste. Therefore, chicken does not like the skin of mangoes. That’s why sometimes they don’t peck on it.

Last but not least, the peel of the mangoes is often attacked by pesticides. If they directly eat the unwashed peel it affects the stomach of chickens.

Therefore, first of all, remove the mango skin and then scoop out all of that tasty flesh. Then put the mango into a food bowl for eating. It is better to avoid giving peel if you can.

Can chicken eat mangoes seeds?

There are seeds in some fruits and vegetables. Mango also has a seed in it. Mango seed is good for your chicken. But it is very hard for the chicken to eat it. You should be unripe the mangoes seeds. So that chicken can eat it easily and digest it.

How to feed mangoes to your chicken?

First of all, you should know about a balanced diet for your chicken. If you give a balanced diet to your chicken, your chicken stays happy and lay big and tasty eggs. It is not hard to give your chicken some fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

Mangoes are easy to eat. There are many ways in which you can feed your chicken some mangoes. First of all, chop the mango into small pieces and give it to your chicken in a clean plate or bowl to eat.

The second way is to hang a big piece of mango so they peck at it. Chickens eat complete mangoes, and they like to do so. But you should take notice that chickens don’t eat too much. When the chickens start to eat mangoes, you will feel that they are having fun with this activity. It looks like a chicken is happy to get the fruit from the seed.

Only feed ripped mangoes to your chicken because it is soft. Unripe mangoes are tough and sour for the chicken to eat. You can also mix mangoes with other fruits like apples and pears. But you should keep in mind that mangoes should not be above 10% of their meals.

Don’t throw mangoes on the dirty floor. If chickens peck on that dirty floor, they might get bacterial infections. Always prefer a clean and washed place or dishes to feed your chickens.

Drawbacks of Giving Too Many Mangoes to Chickens

Anything that is taken in excess is harmful to chickens. If you give mangoes more than recommended amount it affects egg production. The chicken egg-laying cycle gets disturbed.

Chickens can eat as long as you keep giving them. But you need to be vigilant while feeding treats. Mangoes should be fed as a treat, not as the main portion of food.

can we eat mango after eating chicken?

Yes, it is safe to eat mango after eating chicken. There is no scientific evidence to suggest any adverse effects from combining the two foods.

In fact, many people enjoy the sweet and tangy taste of mango as a refreshing dessert after a savory chicken meal. As with any food combination, it’s essential to listen to your body and enjoy it in moderation.

So go ahead and indulge in this delightful pairing without worries!

Final Thoughts

So what does all this mean? Mangoes can be fed to chickens. There is nothing to worry about feeding mangoes to your flock. They are highly nitrous and beneficial for the growth of your chickens.

You can use different methods to feed mangoes. No matter what method you use, all of them give equal benefits.

This is all you needed to know. You are good to go to feed mangoes to your chickens. But be warned about the number of mangoes you are feeding to them.

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