Ideal 236 Chicken(Vet”s Opinion)


Last Updated on June 15, 2023

Ideal 236 chickens are an ideal breed for those looking to raise chickens for egg production, meat, or simply as a pet. This breed is known for its docile temperament, making it the perfect choice for small farmers and backyard coops.

With their friendly nature and ability to be easily handled, these birds make an excellent addition to any flock.

As a veterinarian, in this article, I will explore more about the Ideal 236 chicken’s temperament and how it can benefit your flock.

Overview of Ideal 236 Chickens

Ideal 236 chickens are a special breed of poultry known for their docile and gentle temperament. They are often kept as backyard pets due to their friendly behavior, making them an excellent choice for families with children.

These birds are also great foragers and generally calm in most situations.

The Ideal 236 is easily recognizable by its distinct coloring – white feathers with yellow and black spots. It has a shorter body than other chicken breeds but still produces good amounts of eggs throughout the year.

In addition to being easy to care for, this breed is also very hardy and can withstand cold weather better than most chickens.

According to research, their strong legs make them good runners, so they are great for keeping away predators from your garden or homestead.

Facts about 236 chickens

TypeStandard chicks
Comb typeSingle
Egg colorWhite
Egg sizeExtra large
Rate of lay240/year

Docile Nature

The Ideal 236 chicken is a popular breed for many reasons. Not only are they renowned for their hardiness and ability to produce large amounts of eggs, but they are also known for their docile nature.

This breed is ideal for beginner and experienced chicken farmers, as they rarely become aggressive or territorial.

The obedience of the Ideal 236 makes them an easy choice when selecting a breed of chickens. Their relatively calm temperament makes them less likely to become skittish or scared when handled or interacted with.

The study has shown that they also tend to be more tolerant of other birds, making them great companions in a mixed flock setting.

Additionally, because the Ideal 236 chicken is so gentle, it can be kept around children without fear of aggression or injury.

Easy To Handle

The ideal 236 chicken is a joy to handle. Their friendly and calm natures make them an excellent choice for backyard farmers looking for a gentle breed.

The birds are content to be held and petted, making them easy to catch even without treats. Their docile temperaments mean they can be handled safely, even by children.

These chickens also get along well with other breeds, making them an ideal choice for keeping multiple kinds of poultry together in one coop or run.

They are relatively quiet, too, only vocalizing occasionally in low tones when they sense a threat or need attention from their owners. All these traits make the ideal 236 chicken a great choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-handle bird!

Low Maintenance

When it comes to chickens, low maintenance is essential. The ideal chicken should require little attention and minimal care. Temperament plays a huge role in this, as you do not want to have to constantly monitor the bird’s behavior.

An ideal 236 chicken should have a gentle demeanor and an even-tempered nature, making them easy to handle and maintain.

They should also be hardy enough to withstand outside elements with minimal fuss or bother.

The study has shown that a good 236 chickens will require only basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and space to stay healthy and content.

They can provide years of companionship without needing extra attention or care when given these things. Indeed, a well-behaved 236 chicken can make an excellent choice for those who desire a low-maintenance pet that brings joy to their home.

Impact on Your Flock

A low-maintenance chicken is an incredibly desirable trait, as it ensures that the flock will be easy to care for. Ideal 236 chickens are known for their calm and docile temperament, making them ideal for those looking for a low-maintenance breed.

However, this quality can have profound implications on the behavior and health of your flock.

The calm nature of these birds means they are less likely to experience stress when exposed to new environments or changes in their routine. This makes them resilient and more able to handle change without panicking or stress.

Additionally, these birds get along well with other chickens, reducing the chance of aggression or fighting between flock members. This allows them to form strong bonds with one another that can last for years.

Furthermore, having lower levels of stress hormones in their body makes them less susceptible to certain illnesses and diseases that normally afflict chickens. This makes it easier for you to keep your flock healthy and happy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Large Do Ideal 236 Chickens Grow?

Ideal 236 chickens typically grow to be medium-sized birds, reaching a mature weight of around 5-7 pounds. They can also reach heights of up to 16 inches.

They are considered quite docile compared to other chicken breeds, which makes them great for keeping in the backyard. Additionally, they usually have a good temperament and do not require much maintenance.

What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of An Ideal 236 Chicken?

The average life expectancy of any chicken is between 5 and 8 years, though some breeds may live longer. The Ideal 236 Chicken is no exception and typically has a life expectancy of around 7-8 years when properly cared for.

This breed is known for being hardy, which can help improve its longevity. Proper nutrition and care are essential for maintaining the health of an Ideal 236 Chicken so that it can enjoy a full lifespan.

What Kind Of Feed Is Best For Ideal 236 Chickens?

Feeding an ideal 236 chicken is important to maintaining their health and well-being. The best feed choice for this type of chicken should include a high-quality, nutritionally balanced diet appropriate for their size and age.

This should include good protein sources, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. A scratch-grain supplement may also be beneficial to ensure the chickens receive all the nutrients they need.

It is also important to provide fresh water daily and ensure the feed is not contaminated with mold or other contaminants.

How Often Should Ideal 236 Chickens Be Vaccinated?

Vaccinating chickens is an important part of keeping them healthy and disease-free. Ideal 236 chickens should be vaccinated every six months, as this will give them the best protection against common illnesses like Marek’s Disease and Infectious Bronchitis.

A professional vet should administer the vaccine to ensure it is done safely and correctly. It is also important to ensure the chicken’s diet includes vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy.

What Kind Of Housing Is Best For Ideal 236 Chickens?

When considering housing for chickens, the type of bird and its temperament should be considered. Ideal 236 chickens are known to be calm and easy-going, so they require a low-stress environment.

A well-ventilated space with plenty of room to move, scratch, and dust bathe is ideal. Perches should also be provided so the chickens can get off the ground. If possible, they should also have access to an outdoor run or grassy area for exercise and fresh air.


I have learned a lot about Ideal 236 Chickens. They can grow large and have an average life expectancy of 8-10 years. Feeding them a balanced diet is important, and they should be vaccinated annually.

Having the right housing is also essential for their health and well-being. All these factors combine to make the Ideal 236 Chicken a great choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-care-for, hardy bird with a good temperament.

With proper care, they will provide many years of enjoyment and companionship. I am so glad I looked into this breed!

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